Mac Mini Lab Environment (Proxmox/Kubernetes/Docker/Ansible/PiHole)
Exposing Kubernetes Deployments with an Nginx Reverse Proxy
Website Hosting
Azure Conditional Access User Role Provisioning workflow - DUO MFA
Azure Group-Based Licensing with AD On-Premise Security Groups
Mailman Department Automation Script - Bash
Zoom Licensing Reconcilation Script - Powershell
Proxmox Linux Container Creation - Ansible
Proxmox Linux Container Deprovision - Ansible
Oracle LDAP vs AD LDAP Bind Syntax
PowerShell Parameter Example
Office 365 Admin Task Tool - PowerShell
Office 365 Cloud License Reconcile (old logic) - PowerShell
Donkey Kong (1981) High Scores
Retro Arcade Builds
Raspberry Pi projects:
Octopi (3D print server)Woodworking
Repetier Server (previous 3D print server)
PiHole (adblock/DNS server)
LAMPython Pi Zero Wireless with mini LCD Display
OpenElec streaming media device