Office 365 Cloud License Reconcile (old logic) - PowerShell

When we first rolled out Office 365 for organization wide, we knew only to write our own logic that was initiated from our central identity management platform. This script was primarily to designed to ensure user objects in the cloud had their appropriate licenses. This, and other scripts for provisioning licensing for Office 365/Azure quickly became my main priority to maintain and develop as our progression in Office 365 grew. We eventually moved to group-based licensing, which was far more efficient, less complex and more easily maintainable.

### CloudReconcile.ps1
### Date: June 16th, 2015

#Global Variables
import-module activedirectory
import-module MSOnline

# flag vars
#$flagFaculty = $false
#$flagStudents = $false
#$flagEarlyBirds = $false

# license vars
$lic1Faculty = "o365Domain:OFFICESUBSCRIPTION_FACULTY"
$lic2Faculty = "o365Domain:STANDARDWOFFPACK_IW_FACULTY"
$lic3Faculty = "o365Domain:POWER_BI_STANDARD"
$lic3Early = "o365Domain:POWER_BI_STANDARD"
$lic1Student = "o365Domain:OFFICESUBSCRIPTION_STUDENT"
$lic2Student = "o365Domain:STANDARDWOFFPACK_IW_STUDENT"
$lic3Student = "o365Domain:POWER_BI_STANDARD"

# license options
$licenseStudentPrimary = New-MsolLicenseOptions -AccountSkuId o365Domain:OFFICESUBSCRIPTION_STUDENT #-DisabledPlans OFFICE_FORMS_PLAN_2
$licenseFacultyPrimary = New-MsolLicenseOptions -AccountSkuId o365Domain:OFFICESUBSCRIPTION_FACULTY #-DisabledPlans OFFICE_FORMS_PLAN_2
$licenseEarlyPrimary = New-MsolLicenseOptions -AccountSkuId o365Domain:OFFICESUBSCRIPTION_FACULTY #-DisabledPlans OFFICE_FORMS_PLAN_2

$logfile=new-object System.IO.StreamWriter("c:\scripts\logs\CloudReconcile.log",1);
if ($logfile -ne $null) {
  $logfile.writeline((get-date).tostring() +"  Starting Reconcile");

# msolservice login
$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString "*****************************" -AsPlainText -Force
$creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("[email protected]", $secpasswd)

Connect-MsolService -Credential $creds

$logfile.writeline((get-date).tostring() + "  Getting licensed users.");

$licensedUsersList = Get-MsolUser -All | Where-Object { $_.isLicensed -eq "TRUE" };

$logfile.writeline((get-date).tostring() + "  Done getting licensed office 365 users.");

$logfile.writeline((get-date).tostring() + "  licensed users returned: " + ($licensedUsersList).Count);

foreach ($licensedUser in $licensedUsersList) {
  $accountName = $licensedUser.UserPrincipalName.split("@")[0];
  $o365userUPN = $licensedUser.UserPrincipalName
  $logfile.writeline((get-date).tostring() + "  found user: " + $accountName);

  # gather cloud licenses
  $o365msoluserSKU = (Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN).licenses.AccountSkuId

  # $Missinglicenseflag var, flipped to $True if one of the licenses is missing in $o365msoluserSKU
  $MissingLicenseFlag = $False

  If (dsquery user -samid $accountName)
      $usergroups = (get-aduser $accountName -Properties MemberOf | select MemberOf).MemberOf | % {$_.split(",")[0].replace("CN=","")}
      $logfile.writeline((get-date).tostring() + "  Groups found: " + $accountName);

      if ($usergroups -contains "o365")
          $logfile.writeline((get-date).tostring() + "  found o365 in " + $accountName);

          if ($o365msoluserSKU)
              if ($o365msoluserSKU -notcontains $lic1Faculty)
                  Write-Host "lic1 NOT present, flip flag to TRUE"
                  $MissingLicenseFlag = $True
              if ($o365msoluserSKU -notcontains $lic2Faculty)
                  Write-Host "lic2 NOT present, flip flag to TRUE"
                  $MissingLicenseFlag = $True
              if ($o365msoluserSKU -notcontains $lic3Faculty)
                  Write-Host "lic3 NOT present, flip flag to TRUE"
                  $MissingLicenseFlag = $True

              # checking $missinglicenseflag value
              if ($MissingLicenseFlag -eq $True)
                  Write-Host "Flag is TRUE, re-adding cloud licenses."
                  $logfile.writeline((get-date).tostring() + "  Some Licenses missing, setting location and assigning licenses. " + $o365userUPN)
                  # remove license script block
                  Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -RemoveLicenses $o365msoluserSKU
                  Write-Host "License removal completed."
                  # re-add licenses
                  Write-Host "Adding Licenses."
                  Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -UsageLocation US
                  Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -AddLicenses $lic1Faculty -LicenseOptions $licenseFacultyPrimary
                  Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -AddLicenses $lic2Faculty -LicenseOptions $licenseFacultySecondary
                  Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -AddLicenses $lic3Faculty
              if ($MissingLicenseFlag -eq $False)
                  Write-Host "Flag is FALSE, cloud licenses are present."
                  $logfile.writeline((get-date).tostring() + " Licenses found " + $o365userUPN)
                $logfile.writeline((get-date).tostring() + "  Licenses not found, setting location and assigning license. " + $o365userUPN);
                #remove license script block
                Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -RemoveLicenses $o365msoluserSKU
                Write-Host "License removal completed."
                #re-add licenses
                Write-Host "Adding Licenses."
                Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -UsageLocation US
                Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -AddLicenses $lic1Faculty -LicenseOptions $licenseFacultyPrimary
                Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -AddLicenses $lic2Faculty -LicenseOptions $licenseFacultySecondary
                Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -AddLicenses $lic3Faculty
      if ($usergroups -contains "o365.EarlyBirds")
          $logfile.writeline((get-date).tostring() + "  found o365.EarlyBirds in " + $accountName)

          if ($o365msoluserSKU)
              if ($o365msoluserSKU -notcontains $lic1Early)
                  Write-Host "lic1 NOT present, flip flag to TRUE"
                  $MissingLicenseFlag = $True
              if ($o365msoluserSKU -notcontains $lic2Early)
                  Write-Host "lic2 NOT present, flip flag to TRUE"
                  $MissingLicenseFlag = $True
              if ($o365msoluserSKU -notcontains $lic3Early)
                  Write-Host "lic3 NOT present, flip flag to TRUE"
                  $MissingLicenseFlag = $True

              # checking $missinglicenseflag value
              if ($MissingLicenseFlag -eq $True)
                  Write-Host "Flag is TRUE, re-adding cloud licenses."
                  $logfile.writeline((get-date).tostring() + "  Some Licenses missing, setting location and assigning licenses. " + $o365userUPN)
                  # remove license script block
                  Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -RemoveLicenses $o365msoluserSKU
                  Write-Host "License removal completed."
                  # re-add licenses
                  Write-Host "Adding Licenses."
                  Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -UsageLocation US
                  Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -AddLicenses $lic1Early -LicenseOptions $licenseEarlyPrimary
                  Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -AddLicenses $lic2Early -LicenseOptions $licenseEarlySecondary
                  Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -AddLicenses $lic3Early
              if ($MissingLicenseFlag -eq $False)
                  Write-Host "Flag is FALSE, cloud licenses are present."
                  $logfile.writeline((get-date).tostring() + " Licenses found " + $o365userUPN)
              $logfile.writeline((get-date).tostring() + "  Licenses not found, setting location and assigning licenses. " + $o365userUPN)
              # remove license script block
              Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -RemoveLicenses $o365msoluserSKU
              Write-Host "License removal completed."
              # re-add licenses
              Write-Host "Adding Licenses."
              Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -UsageLocation US
              Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -AddLicenses $lic1Early -LicenseOptions $licenseEarlyPrimary
              Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -AddLicenses $lic2Early -LicenseOptions $licenseEarlySecondary
              Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -AddLicenses $lic3Early

      if ($usergroups -contains "o365.Students")
          $logfile.writeline((get-date).tostring() + "  found o365.Students in " + $accountName)

          if ($o365msoluserSKU)
              if ($o365msoluserSKU -notcontains $lic1Student)
                  Write-Host "lic1 NOT present, flip flag to TRUE"
                  $MissingLicenseFlag = $True
              if ($o365msoluserSKU -notcontains $lic2Student)
                  Write-Host "lic2 NOT present, flip flag to TRUE"
                  $MissingLicenseFlag = $True
              if ($o365msoluserSKU -notcontains $lic3Student)
                  Write-Host "lic3 NOT present, flip flag to TRUE"
                  $MissingLicenseFlag = $True

              # checking $missinglicenseflag value
              if ($MissingLicenseFlag -eq $True)
                  Write-Host "Flag is TRUE, re-adding cloud licenses."
                  $logfile.writeline((get-date).tostring() + "  Some Licenses missing, setting location and assigning licenses. " + $o365userUPN)
                  # remove license script block
                  Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -RemoveLicenses $o365msoluserSKU
                  Write-Host "License removal completed."
                  # re-add licenses
                  Write-Host "Adding Licenses."
                  Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -UsageLocation US
                  Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -AddLicenses $lic1Student -LicenseOptions $licenseStudentPrimary
                  Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -AddLicenses $lic2Student -LicenseOptions $licenseStudentSecondary
                  Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -AddLicenses $lic3Student
              if ($MissingLicenseFlag -eq $False)
                  Write-Host "Flag is FALSE, cloud licenses are present."
                  $logfile.writeline((get-date).tostring() + " Licenses found " + $o365userUPN)
              $logfile.writeline((get-date).tostring() + "  Licenses not found, setting location and assigning licenses. " + $o365userUPN)
              # remove license script block
              Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -RemoveLicenses $o365msoluserSKU
              Write-Host "License removal completed."
              # re-add licenses
              Write-Host "Adding Licenses."
              Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -UsageLocation US
              Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -AddLicenses $lic1Student -LicenseOptions $licenseStudentPrimary
              Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -AddLicenses $lic2Student -LicenseOptions $licenseStudentSecondary
              Set-MsolUserLicense -UserPrincipalName $o365userUPN -AddLicenses $lic3Student


  } Else {
    Write-Host "No user found."


$logfile.writeline((get-date).tostring() + "  End of Cloud Reconcile script.");

$logfile.writeline((get-date).tostring() + "  Execution complete.");