# prox-deprovision.yml ###################### --- - name: Prox - Get list of VMIDs hosts: proxmox pre_tasks: - name: shell: pct list register: PCTLIST - name: Debug - PCTLIST.stdout_lines debug: var: PCTLIST.stdout_lines - name: LXC De-provision - Input required... hosts: proxmox vars_prompt: - name: VM_VMID prompt: "Enter VMID to delete" private: no roles: - prox-deprovision - name: DNS entry removal (pihole1) hosts: pihole roles: - pihole-dnsRemoval # prox-deprovision/tasks/main.yml ################################# --- - name: Debug - VM_VMID var debug: var: VM_VMID #- name: Get vm/lxc pct info # shell: "pct list | grep {{ VM_VMID }}" # register: VM_PCTLINE - name: Get vm/lxc hostname shell: pct list | grep {{ VM_VMID }} | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}' register: VM_HOSTNAME - name: Debug - VM_HOSTNAME.stdout debug: var: VM_HOSTNAME.stdout - name: Destroy VM/LXC shell: pct destroy {{ VM_VMID }} --force register: DESTROYRESULTS - debug: msg="{{DESTROYRESULTS.stdout_lines}}" # pihole-dnsRemoval/tasks/main.yml ################################## --- - name: Get contents of lan.list shell: cat /etc/pihole/lan.list register: LANLISTRESULTS - name: Debug - LANLISTRESULTS var debug: var: LANLISTRESULTS.stdout_lines - name: Debug - hostvars - proxmox - VM_HOSTNAME.stdout debug: msg="{{hostvars['proxmox']['VM_HOSTNAME']['stdout']}}" # debug: # var: hostvars[proxmox][VM_HOSTNAME][stdout] - name: TEST - Remove entry from lan.list shell: sed '/{{hostvars['proxmox']['VM_HOSTNAME']['stdout']}}/d' /etc/pihole/lan.list register: SEDTESTRESULT - name: Debug - SEDTESTRESULT.stdout_lines debug: var: SEDTESTRESULT.stdout_lines - name: Remove entry from lan.list shell: sed -i '/{{hostvars['proxmox']['VM_HOSTNAME']['stdout']}}/d' /etc/pihole/lan.list - name: Re-check lan.list shell: cat /etc/pihole/lan.list register: POSTLANLISTRESULTS - name: Debug - POSTLANLISTRESULTS debug: var: POSTLANLISTRESULTS.stdout_lines - name: Restart dnsservice shell: pihole restartdns